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How do I place an order?You can call, text, direct message on Instagram or Facebook Messenger, email, or order directly through my website.
What kind of krispies do you make?I specialize in traditional, vegan, and gluten-free rice krispy treats. If you have a specific dietary restriction please let me know so I create krispies for your specific needs.
Can I order more than 1 flavor?Absolutely! You can order as many flavors in a batch that you would like. Hint! There’s also a menu option called The Royal Platter that includes an assortment of 8-10 different krispies
What are your ordering options?Krispies can be ordered by the dozen, full size pans, and mini krispies
How many mini krispies come in an order?24-26 fun size mini krispies
How many krispies come in an order?1 Dozen
What is the minimum order requirement?1 Dozen
Do you offer samples?Unfortunately not, but I’m more than happy to discuss ordering options that fit your needs
How long do the krispies last?As long as the krispies are sealed they can last 7-10 days.
Can the krispies go in the freezer?Yes! As long as they are sealed the krispies freeze well.
Do you offer shipping?Yes!
Do you do custom orders?I sure do! Schedule a free consultation with me to discuss your krispie needs and desires
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